Exeter & East Devon

Active Members Email

A Group Email facility using Google Groups is now available to 'active' Branch members who may wish to join it, and functions very much in the same way as the previous 'active members' email facility.

Branch members wishing to join this group can do so by clicking here
Please subscribe me to the EED Active Members group.
to start an email requesting to opt-in, and shortly
afterwards will receive a Welcome message.

If clicking above doesn't start an email, simply send a blank email with
Subject line 'Please add me to group', and any other comments
to ku.gro.armac.retexe@yraterces

Please note, you do not need to have a Gmail or a Google account to be able to participate, and can self-Unsubscribe at any time.


CAMRA National sends out occasional news updates, but your local Branch also sends regular messages with local relevance, using the CAMRA Comms Tool.

You have to 'Opt in' to receive these messages, by adjusting your Email Preferences which can be done from this page, once you are logged-in to your CAMRA Account: Edit CAMRA Preferences and Select the Email option for
"I wish to be contacted by my local CAMRA branch on local events and activities."

Please also see our Facebook page of Exeter and East Devon CAMRA